June 29, 2016
Summer Vacation Travel Checklist
Ensure a Quick Trip Through the TSA Checkpoint
As beauty enthusiasts, traveling with tons of beauty products is a given. Chances are you can’t leave home without at least your favorite cleanser, toner, treatment product (or three), eye serum, scrub, day moisturizer, night moisturizer, maybe a mask, hand lotion, body lotion and lip gloss at a minimum. But getting these items through security can be a nightmare. To help maximize your time enjoying the moment, and keep your summer vacation relaxing, we’ve got your summer travel checklist for traveling beautifully.- Know what qualifies. The Transportation Safety Administration’s (TSA) definition of a liquid includes liquids, aerosols, gels, creams and pastes. Each passenger can bring one quart-sized bag only of these liquids through the TSA checkpoint.
- Transfer your liquids. Let’s face it, the majority of personal care products fall into the TSA’s definition of a liquid substance. However most of them do not fall into their size restrictions. If you are carrying-on your bag, each “liquid” item must be in a travel-sized container that is 3.4 ounces (100.55 ml) or less. So, we’ve gotten pretty good at transferring our products into alternative bottles.
- Pair down for carry-on. The TSA allows for more liquids to be included in checked luggage. So, only bring your necessities onto the flight with you. Our top items include a good hand lotion, uber-hydrating moisturizer (traveling is terribly dehydrating to skin!), lip-gloss, toothpaste and toothbrush, dry shampoo and deodorant.
- Get a cute liquids bag. If you are carrying-on, TSA asks that you place your liquid items in a 1-quart sized clear bag for ease of screening. So, before you reach for that Ziploc, consider a cuter option, like one of these from Flight 001, because you can be stylish and functional at the same time.
- Know what isn’t included. Exemptions to the liquid carry on rule are medications and infant and child nourishments. Clearly label any medication to help facilitate the screening process and remove any liquid medications from your carry-on bag to be screened separately from the rest of your belongings.
- Check larger liquid items. Any non-flammable liquid, gel or aerosol personal care products that are larger than 3.4 oz/100.55 ml are allowed in your checked luggage. So, stow your serums, hairspray and contact solution here. And remember, aerosol sprays are prohibited, even in carry on, for some International fights so be sure to double check with your carrier before you pack.
- Keep the mood lighting in your checked bag. Gel-type candles are permitted in checked luggage. However all matches and lighters with fluid are prohibited in checked baggage. But, not to worry, you can include one book of safety (non-strike anywhere) matches in your carry-on bag.
- Sharp item rules have been updated. A few years back, tweezers, sewing scissors and razors had to be packed in checked luggage. However, newer revisions to the “sharp items” rules allow travelers with carry-on luggage to include small scissors (less than four inches, measured from the fulcrum), tweezers and disposable razors. Safety razors with blades and razor-type blades are only allowed in checked luggage.
- Security regulations vary by country. If you are traveling internationally, make sure to check your destination country’s travel laws. Though most of the European Union, as well as Australia, Japan, Singapore, Iceland and Norway, have airport security rules similar to the United States, it’s always smart to check with the country you are visiting before packing.
- Be friendly with the TSA agents. It is the traveler’s responsibility to be knowledgeable and prepared when packing for vacation. But with all the rules, things can easily get missed. At the end of the day, whether you can take an item with you on vacation or not is up to the TSA agent you are working with. So always remember to be patient and kind in your dealings with them.